Thursday, February 15, 2007

St. Valentine's Day, 14th February 2007

A nice morning to start the day, I woke up early in the morning and take a long bus ride to town. From there, walk a long distance till my destination: Her office. Yupe, a valentine's surprise for her. I got her a Precious Moment's photo frame with our favorite ROM photo, a box of chocolates and last but no least a stalk of big rose(Furly plushie flower).

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Surprise Valentine's Day gift 2007.

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Additional toys from my dear wife :)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Valentine's Day Gift, 2007

It been 4 years since the day my wife and I been together. Time really passed so fast. We been through a very long tough journey, from courtship, honeymoon, anniversary last but no least marriage. In time to come, getting new flat and settle down with her. Of coz, setting up a new family. Whoah, the responsibility getting heavier and heavier as days go by. Meanwhile, will save up $$$ for future expenses on flat and traditional wedding dinner.

Hmmm before coming to serious saving,
I bought my wife a nice Gucci bag ($$$$$$$$).
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What my wife got for me?
My all-time favorite toy: Rodimus Prime (Titanium 6")
It was a surprise gift from her, I really like to thank her for all the hard efforts she put in while getting these two pieces of toy.
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Happy Valentine's Day to all my frenz...